£147.00 GBP VAT inclusive

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Employment Policy Bundle

This bundle contains all of the mandatory, legally required HR policies that all employers must have documented, as well as those that are strongly recommended to minimise the risk of legal issues or claims against you.

The bundle contains:

  • Disciplinary Policy (legal requirement)
  • Grievance Policy (legal requirement)
  • Health and Safety Policy (legal requirement for 5+ employees)
  • Privacy Policy for Employee Data (legal requirement under GDPR)
  • Equal Opportunities Policy (strongly recommended)
  • Family Friendly Policy (recommended)

The Employment Policy Bundle is currently priced at £197. As you're purchasing an employment contract from us, add the Employment Policy Bundle today for just £52. (This is an exclusive checkout offer so you can't purchase for this price anywhere else on our site).

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Full Time Employment Contract

This contract is for employers who wish to hire a full time employee. 

It is not suitable for part time, zero hours or fixed term employees nor is it suitable for any independent contractor, freelancer or consultant who you wish to engage. Template contracts for these alternative arrangements are available in the template shop. Visit the Employment Suite to see our full range of employment contracts, policies and bundles.

If you require support or advice on deciding which contract is right for you then please book a consultation call with our HR Partner, Pondcroft Consulting, who will talk you through the options and advise you of the best contract for your circumstances.

This full time contract is comprehensive and up to date with current UK employment legislation as well as best practice Human Resource Management. The contract is positioned to provide solid contractual protection for the employer whilst being fair to both parties, accessible and easy to read. 

Included with the contract is a comprehensive set of drafting notes to explain the clauses and provisions within the contract and to assist you in tailoring the contract for your business and the individual prospective employee you wish to hire. The contract can be used for any future hires you wish to make and the contract in your portal will be updated regularly to reflect any relevant changes in UK employment legislation.

It is anticipated that it should take you no more than 30 minutes to work through the drafting notes and complete the contract of employment ready to issue.


  1. You are purchasing a template document this does not create a solicitor client relationship and the template is not to be construed as legal advice.

  2. On purchase you will be sent a link for a direct download.  At the point of purchase, you are confirming your express consent to receiving the download immediately. In agreeing to receive the download at the point of purchase you will lose your right to cancel and your right to a refund.

Should you have any questions about your purchase we will be happy to assist.