Looking for a privacy statement to demonstrate that your business is compliant with relevant data privacy obligations?
The Privacy Policy provides you with a template document which you can adjust to outline how your business collects, handles and manages personal data of customers, clients and third parties.
What’s included
This bundle includes a template privacy statement which outlines how your business will collect, handle and manage personal data and confidential information of clients and third parties.
The bundle also includes drafting guidance notes so that you can make bespoke alterations to suit your business.
How to use the Privacy Statement
Following successful purchase of this bundle you will have access to your documents via your personal portal.
The product includes a template Privacy Statement which you can review and amend to include your own business details.
Before using the template you will need to edit them for your business.
The template has square brackets where you need to enter your company information or chose an option e.g. to include or delete if these do not apply to your business, these sections have been highlighted for ease of use. By the time your template is ready to upload to use there should be no square brackets remaining.
You should also read the ‘Drafting Notes’ for each template not only will these help you to consider how to best protect your business but they also highlight some of the key elements and specific wording which reflect statutory requirements. These sections are mandatory and should not be changed.
It is anticipated that it will take you no more that 30 minutes to review and finalise your template for use within your business.
If you have any doubts about editing or using this template you should seek professional legal advice.
You are purchasing a template document this does not create a solicitor client relationship and the template is not to be construed as legal advice.
On purchase you will be sent a link for a direct download. At the point of purchase, you are confirming your express consent to receiving the download immediately. In agreeing to receive the download at the point of purchase you will lose your right to cancel and your right to a refund.
Should you have any questions about your purchase we will be happy to assist.