My best and worst launch
Jan 03, 2024
2023 gave us the biggest launch we had in our business and one that didn't go so well.
Before I explain what that means, I need to share some important "secrets".
You'll hear a lot of people use phrases like "my biggest launch" or their "best launch".
Do you know what that tells you about their launch, nothing.
Without any context you don't really know what they've achieved.
You've no idea if they are talking about the whole launch process going well and being organised, whether they mean revenue, or people turning up to live masterclasses being the highest ever.
I want to share my "secrets" here, and by secrets I mean facts, because they are shared so rarely that it feels like it's a big secret, but perhaps people are simply presenting a picture they want you to see.
For even more context, you need to know what happened on New Year's Eve.
I was working flat out to finalise all of the pieces that I needed to get finished. I'd been uploading videos all day, building out one of the most impressive content which I new got the most incredible results. I'd stayed behind from the party as I was "so close to finishing" and had been for three hours! I quickly got dressed, headed to the party a few streets away and rang the New Year in.
I woke up with a bit of a fuzzy head and checked my emails. Nothing.
Odd, I thought. I double checked I had linked everything, the payment site seemed to be working.
What was going on, not a single buyer.
It was 2017 and I was launching a fitness membership. I had worked hard for months to create the content and get everything ready. I had made some big mistakes with my marketing, positioning and product but I didn't know that then. I was gutted. I'd spent so many hours working on this, I knew it was incredible and nobody purchased it during my launch. I did go on to create an incredible community and get members and in doing so I learnt A LOT!
The details behind our biggest launch
See what I mean about context, I'm claiming my best launch against one where nobody purchased. I've also been running this business since 2019 and have taken a large number of students through Get Legit, our signature course, that most people know that when I say my best launch, I mean better than the last Get Legit Launch. By best, for me, my key number is number of people (not revenue), but it was both our biggest number of students and our biggest revenue launch.
Interestingly, it didn't yield our biggest cash month for the year as lots of people opted for payment plans, which was actually brilliant for us because it's always great for cash-flow to know what money you can expect into your business.
It was our first launch over £20k and as always this was achieved without thousands on ads*. This year as part of our Get Legit Live experience, I'll be sharing exactly how we create success with launching, and without. How I've created an industry leading legal template shop which brings in passive income almost every day. The value within this session is, in my opinion, worth investing in Get Legit Live, even if you just attend the strategy and don't use the legal part, but obviously do use the legal part because it is brilliant and I'll be guiding you live step by step through how to get paid on time, how to set up refund and cancellation terms and so much more.
(*full transparency, I set up some FB ads myself ahead of the launch to our opt-in and spent around £200.)
Fancy joining us?
You'll get the 90 minute strategy session for free, when you join Get Legit Live.
Get Legit Live is our month long legal experience where you get to work with me. I'll be supporting you live as you get all of the legal elements in place properly within your business. Think trade marks, contracts, terms and conditions etc. If you join us before this Friday (Friday 5th January 2024) you'll get access to all four live legal training sessions PLUS access to the business strategy session which I am so excited to teach and share the behind the scenes of the business so that you can use our strategy to create your own success. Selling online gets to be easy when you know how and you can follow in the footsteps of others.
Find out more about the Get Legit Live Experience, book single sessions to get support with just your contract or just your trade mark - CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON GET LEGIT LIVE.
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