Valentine's Day Sale
Feb 13, 2024
Back in October last year we did our annual site wide template sale.
We've done this for a few years now and it's always been really well received. But last year we decided to do something extra. If I'm honest I was feeling a little flat about things at the end of last summer. It was a combination of external factors but I realised that some of the things I did in the business were no longer bringing me joy.
I asked my community earlier in the year what brought them joy:
Ruth said:
I get JOY from using all your templates including your membership and course terms. It is such a lovely feeling that I am doing things 'right' and that my business and my customers are protected. I LOVE your work and when my turnover increases I plan to join your membership again but in the meantime I am at least able to use your templates which are indeed worth every penny.
I hadn't actually meant for someone to share what about my business gave them joy but what a wonderful thing to share. It was so wonderful to get that spark of joy from someone who loves what I'm trying to do.
Francesca said:
Helping others and giving them the opportunity to feel as happy as I do when I'm doing what I love is the reason I began my journey and although there are times when I feel like it's all too much, the people I help give me the strength and courage to keep going, which is another JOY in my business.
I wanted to create more of that. More joy, more happiness, more fun. But I sell legal templates on a website. How could I make that happen?
What if we did something FUN for the birthday sale? And so we did, we hid "Easter eggs" - which were images not of eggs but of me on my birthday - around the site. When shoppers found an image they won a prize. Wahoo!!
It was so much fun that we're doing the same again only slightly different.
Today for Valentine's Day, we're running a site wide sale, which for the first time ever includes all of templates and all of our courses.
The Big Valentine's Sale is here and I'm proud to say it's bigger and better than ever.
Usually you get a day to shop our entire template shop with 14% off. This year 14% off just didn't feel enough, so instead you can get 20% off all templates including our bundles AND the 20% applies to payment plans too. Simply enter the code LOVELEGAL to get 20% off.
Instead of just running the sale today, you have until midnight on Friday 16th February.
It gets more exciting.
Now let's make it fun. Hidden on the website are images of Lucy Legal boxes of chocolates click on them and uncover codes for either 25% and 35% off. If you find one of those you can use it on any course or template of your choice. Or even one of our bundles, which means you could save over £1k on your order. Remember that the Super Bundle includes lifetime access to the membership so with 25% or 35% off that Bundle you would make an incredible saving. The 25% and 35% codes are valid for the first 10 users only.
It gets even better.
Hidden on the website is an image with a Lucy Legal box of chocolates and attached to it is a code for 50% off for the first 5 users. If you find one of those you can use it on our Luxe Bundles. These are our most popular bundles because they include all of the core documents business owners need and the code will save you almost £600.
There's more....
How about the opportunity to win back the price of your purchase?
We've never done this before, EVER.
For each day of the sale this week, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we're giving one person the chance to win back the price of their purchase. All you have to do to enter is share about the Valentine's Day sale to your Instagram Stories and tag us. All sales and Story shares made by 7pm each day will qualify and you'll be in with the chance of winning your entire purchase back.
So, if you find one of our 50% off codes you could purchase a Luxe Bundle for £595.50 and then get the whole purchase refunded and get your purchase for free!!
I know this sounds too good to be true but it isn't.
It might also be helpful for us to share that the next entire site template sale is not until October. We share this to give you the confidence in your purchase and whether now is the right time. Remember, a sale is only a saving if you were wanting to purchase anyway.
We are guessing you might have questions about which template is the right fit for you, if so, our inbox is open and we are fuelled by chocolate and ready to help. Simply send us an email to [email protected] and we'll happily answer your questions.
To recap:
1. Use the code LOVELEGAL when you purchase any template, course or bundle from our site from now until midnight on Friday 16th February 2024.
2. Search the website for a hidden box of chocolates. Click the box to discover whether you've won a code for 25%, 35% or 50% off.
3. The 25% and 35% codes can be used on any template, course or bundle for up to 10 uses each.
4. The 50% code can be used on any Luxe Bundle for 5 uses.
5. Once you have completed your purchase, share to your Instagram Stories for the chance to get your entire order refunded.
6. All Story shares made before 7pm daily will be entered into the draw for a chance to win the total purchase price refunded.
All that's left to do now is shop the sale - Head to the legal template shop.
Sending love to you and your business on Valentine's Day.
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